Predicting & Mastering the Unknown

Lessons from Leadership Lab This post lists some insightful leadership lessons from the book ‘The Edge’ by Michael Useem.  This book has 10 chapters about leaders who reinvented, turned around, or catapulted their firms to resounding success. Each CEO has a different background story and …

Kaleidoscope Perspective

Leadership Reflections May 2023 Have you heard of a kaleidoscope? As the patterns and colors change, the images evolve and morph from one spectrum of colors to another. An Agatha Christie mystery (involving the characters Satherwaite and Harley Quin) first introduced me to the word …

Top 7 Leadership & Career Books for Women

As part of my leadership experiments, I am going through the strategies mentioned in books that provide the best career/leadership guidance for women. This post is a roundup of 7 books that I love and recommend. Many of these titles had been suggested by mentors …

Weekly Leadership Reflections

A big part of leadership is identifying good ideas and applying them to the correct problems. Reading, and exploring best practices are good methods for the former, followed by deep reflections. As part of my year-long leadership experiment, I will actively look for new ideas …

A Year of Leadership Experiments

This had been my goal for last year but life through so many changes that I could not follow through. So here am I again in 2023, committed to a full year of experiments to become a more effective and powerful leader. This project takes …